Is Traditional Advertising Dying?

Is Traditional Advertising Dying?

There is a huge chance that traditional advertising is dead. Since the early nineties, it is dying out since the internet took control of advertising and with the introduction of digital marketing. Although, regardless of less implementation of traditional advertising, most marketing analysts argue that it will never go away and will be stuck here most of the time. Moreover, Advertising is key to drive forward the advancement of digital marketing and there are few experts in which can drive revenues to most publishers in the online world.

traditional advertising

In this article, I want to look carefully at the critical issues that traditional advertising is facing nowadays instead of saying that it will go away without giving any physical facts.

What is Traditional Advertising?

Traditional advertising is the content of a message, instead of its format. In other words, it makes clear attempts to lure its clients to buy its products with no any other intentions. On the other hand, we can state that digital advertising can be count as traditional if it implements same way of positioning to its target audience. In other words, we can say that traditional advertising is also the advertising medium such as billboards, radios, and TV commercials.

How Could Traditional Advertising Die?

It’s quite impossible to define death in terms of hitting low numerical thresholds. To put more simple for you, most people agree that VHS tapes are dead and no one uses it anymore after DVD players came out. However, there are still many individuals who use VHS tapes regularly, and there is no conclusive point at which VHS usage is dead. Was it the point at which VHS players were outnumbered by DVD players? If that’s the case then traditional advertising may have already died, based on spending statistics.

traditional advertising

There is not a real fact of traditional advertising dying out. It will be counted as dying if less than half of all industries find a form of traditional advertising and more than half of all industries find a digital marketing strategy.

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