Google AdX

Sign up to Google AdX

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Average monthly revenues in $US (all sites combined) *

Google Ad Exchange is the premium version of AdSense. It has better advertisers and almost 100% fill rate which will increase your Ad revenue. DFPexpert can provide Google AdX tags that can be run with or without DFP.

google ADX

Google Ad Exchange

  • 5 Ad units instead of 3 
  • Immediate increase of revenue 30%-100%
  • Better optimization tools
  • Premium advertisers
  • Net 30 payment
  • Free Ad server

Ad exchange is a marketplace in which publishers and advertisers can join in an auction for buying and selling online display advertising from a large group of participating sites. Publishers place their unsold inventory on Ad Exchange, and buyers place bids to purchase the leftover inventory through an easy-to-use interface.